Monday, January 24, 2011

The Meaning of Educational Technology

Educational Technology is the constant improvement of education in today's society.  It focuses on the potential educational impact of today's learner.  Can we teach digital natives how to learn or can they teach us how to teach them?  Educational Technology is exploring the reality of what education is today and the technologies that can change what it ought to be, or what it can be tomorrow. 

Below is a mindmap that shows characteristics of today's learner; the organizations that support Educational Technology and today's learners; the reality of education today; and the potential impact of education in the future. 

After researching these variables, I have come to determine that my educational technology philosophy is closely aligned with the meaning of educational technology.  

For instance, today I played a digital game with my Accounting students called: The Case of the California Con.  We are researching Accounting Careers and I had them play the game to find the embezzler.  What was the real object of the lesson?  To experience the art of Forensic Accounting and give them a real life account of what this career choice entails.  Objective successful!  Immediately after playing the game, all students researched further information on Forensic Accounting with no prompt from me.

AICPA, American Institute of CPAs. Start Here Go Places. Retrieved 1/24/2011 at

Mindmeister. Mindmapping Software. Retrieved on 1/24/2011 at

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