Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Critical Thinking Skills Reflection

After completing the MAPping information activity, what are your reactions to your findings? What will you do differently while searching on the Internet for information now? How confident are you with the information you've used in the past (as part of your college career and/or in your profession)?

This exercise really opened my eyes.  The best thing that I have done so far is added the  easyWhois site to my Delicious bookmarks.  This makes it so easy to verify ownership of the site. 

I have also changed my main search engine to Alta Vista.  I like that I can see other sites that are linked to the research I am doing.  It only takes a second to verify the authority of a website. 

The final thing that I have done is bookmark Alan November's  Information Literacy Resources, which can be found at:   I feel that it is a reliable site because he is a renowned researcher and producer of technological information.  His site is updated daily with academic research and links to other technological websites.

I am also in the process of designing a lesson plan for my High School students that addresses these issues and demonstrates this way of researching information on the World Wide Web.  Thank You!

What are some implications for the future of our students if we fail to teach them these skills in school? After all, the schools may block access to sites, but students still have access at home. 

I think that the schools should open up the internet and make teachers responsible for teaching students about the good and the bad that is out there.  After all, the Internet is thier neighborhood!  We all need to provide a safety net for them.  There are so many parents who are not computer literate that have children who run wild on the streets of their neighborhood (the web).  It is really scary when you think about it.  I am shocked that the demand for their protection hasn't been directed at the local schools.

Do you see any advantages for organizing your information via Delicious? What else did you find when exploring the other bookmarking applications? What are some ways you think you could use tools like these in the future?

I love Delicious.  This is the first time that I have ever used anything like this.  Last week when the electricity kept going on and off, and I was at work in the dark, it fried my computer and so all my Credit Card information (my favorites) was lost.  I was in the process of resetting them up as favorites when you gave us this assignment.  So tonight for about two hours my husband and I bundled all our accounts in Delicious on the private settings.  This is great!

I also put a webpage with vector graphics on Delicious for my students to use to create their Valentine's Day cards tomorrow.  If Delicious isn't blocked at school, I will be able to share websites with them.

I think that Diigo will be a good site for the students to use for their research.  In March, my BIM students start examining different careers and my plan is to have them use Diigo for their research.  I went on the website and clicked on the educator's area.  I like that the students can find what they are researching, highlight areas of interest on the page and attach notes, and the notes and highlights will be there when they come back to the bookmarked page.  I am hoping these features work for the students once I have the educator site area opened up.

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