Wednesday, February 9, 2011

e-Portfolio Reflection

Which tenant did you most relate to and why? 

When thinking about Assessment for Learning, the tenet I most relate to, as a teacher, is that it develops learners’ capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing.  I use a lesson with my students where they create an e-Portfolio in PowerPoint.  It could be the introductory lesson to Web design as the e-portfolio uses an index of topics that are hyperlinked to other pages, similar to how a website is designed. 

Students first create a checklist of important items (artifacts) to include in their e-Portfolio. Then they create an outline of their checklisted artifacts. This teaches them how to create main pages and sub pages.  The one thing that they tell me is this is the best thing they have ever done to learn organizational skills.  

Once they decide on what artifacts they want to display, they create hyperlinks to the pages and subpages that make up the e-Portfolio.  Students choose their own artifacts and decide the theme and design of their pages.  I have certain criteria that they must follow in the rubric but overall the e-Portfolio is their creation.

What potential if, if any, do you see for portfolio assessment?

Because I am a teacher, my main concern is for the children that I teach.  From this prospective, I see the e-Portfolio as a way for my students to express who they are.  I also see them gaining confidence with technology.  Many have told me that when they first came into my class, they felt unsure of what to do.  The felt scared because I talk fast, use keyboard shortcuts, and words they’ve never heard before.  After they have learned their lessons and completed their e-Portfolios they feel like they can sit down at any computer and figure out how to do any task.

What do you think the creation and development of your portfolio will do for your learning?

As for me, I believe that the e-Portfolio that I designed in Google Sites is a viable tool that can be used as an instrument to teach from, learn from, get a job from, store my sample work on, see my growth develop, and refresh myself in the belief of who am I when I need refreshing.

Creating the e-Portfolio has increased my organizational skills and showed me another new place for Free online storage.  It made me go through my work and choose what I feel today is a good reflection of my teaching style, and overall knowledge of the subjects that I teach.

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